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Writer's pictureNataleigh Robinson

The Classic Generation Rules

The World Wars. A living horror for all who lived through it and everyone just fighting to survive the best they knew how. Even hitchhikers and hobos had their own ways of survival. A time when women learned what they were capable of and men discovered they weren't as capable as they thought.

Generation Challenges

  • First Decade - The Great Depression

  • Second Decade - World War II

Marriage and Family

  • Anyone becoming a Young Adult during the Great Depression must take a Trauma Trait

  • Only one hot meal allowed a day. All other meals must be found from scavenging, fishing and gardening

  • May now have a small pet (hamster or rat only) if you have at least $300,000

  • Second Decade - All YA and older will be drafted for WWII may Try for Baby before leaving and elope

  • Second Decade - May have relationships with other ethnicities/religions but cannot marry. May have a secret family with a prohibited SO

  • Second Decade - May now take medicine when sick and pets can be taken to the vet (spaying and neutering is an option). Babies can now be born at home or in hospital

  • Women are always allowed to inherit the bloodline from now on.

  • No parties or events. All marriages must be eloped.

  • Males who are the sole caretaker of their children or who already have mental illnes (via traits) cannot be drafted.

  • Males may return on leave at the halfway point of the war and must roll for survival again. They will only be spared from returning if they have been injured.

  • 70% chance of marriage (versus just woohoo) and 20% of having an affair.

  • Adoption is now an option but only with opposite sex couples

Architecture and Design

  • Can purchase a camera and tripod

  • Second Decade - Every house must have a Victory Garden or at least 4 plants

  • Second Decade - Every house must have a radio and listen to it for at least an hour a day

  • Second Decade - Other items allowed include: Coffee Makers (not espresso machines or one-cup brewers), Fitness equipment (Military and Athletic Careers only), Soundtrack Juke Box, Thermostats, Winter Holiday Music, Large Commercial Greenhouses, Washers and Dryers, Photo Studio (no electronic backdrop)

  • Second Decade - Houses may now be decorated for holidays

  • Some clubs may have pools but women still need to use a full swimsuit. No household swimming pools

  • No housing upgrades allowed at all (even if there is enough money)

  • Science Lair lot trait is now allowed

Education and Hobbies

  • High School no longer has a fee

  • Kegs are allowed at university

  • Teens who do not go to school MUST scavenge, fish and garden during the week of unemployment

  • Prohibition ends in 1933 and drinking becomes available again

  • Cannot create medium or large paintings only small

  • Second Decade - Teens are no longer sent away for bad grades

  • Second Decade - Can only attend University after WWII and veterans can recieve half their tuition for free

  • Children must go to school. Female teens are encouraged to go to school and work part time (second decade only) to help out.

Career and Money-Making

  • First Decade- Everyone must lose job for at least one sim week. If you own a store it must close for at least a week. After a week you may reopen your store or return to work or join a new career.

  • Maximum career level of all jobs is 6. If level 6 is achieved they must quit and get a new job

  • Business career is NOT available anymore

  • Silent film era has ended. Acting career is now available

  • Part-Time work - Men can be Fishermen, Lifeguard, or Manual Laborer. Women can be Babysitter, Lifeguard, Manual Laborer or Retail Employee. Teens/Elders cannot have Part-Time Work

  • Bills can only be paid once electricity and water (if unemployed) has been cut off

  • WWI Veterans recieve a pension of $100/week

  • Stock Market crashes and money is reduced by 40% at start of decade

  • Second Decade - Males must join Military(Officer) if they survive WWII

  • Second Decade - Permitted Careers include: Actor, Athlete(Bodybuilder), Civil Designer(Civic Planner), Criminal(Boss), Critic(Both), Culinary(Both), Detective, Doctor, Education(Both), Freelancer(Fashion Photographer or Writer), Gardener(Both), Interior Decorator, Law(Both), Military(Both), Painter(Both), Politics(Politician), Scientist, Secret Agent(Both), Veterinarian, Writing(Both)

  • YA Veterans can only work Military career (unless wounded) or be unemployed for rest of decade. They may farm, fish, paint, woodwork or scavenge.

  • YA's who are NOT veterans MUST have a career

  • First Decade - Women may work if they are single, divorced, widowed or if their husband doesn't bring in enough money

  • Second Decade - Female's MUST have a career and can only choose to leave it after the war and if married

  • Permitted Careers for women include: Actor, Athelete(Bodybuilder), Civil Deigner(Civic Planner), Criminal(Boss), Culinary(Both), Engineer(Mechanical), Entertainer(Both), Military(Officer), Painter(Both), Secret Agent(Both), Writing(Both)

  • Second Decade - Teens are allowed and encouraged to have Part-Time Work. Jobs available include: Babysitter, Fast Food Employee, Fisherman (male only), Lifeguard, Manual Laborer, Retail Employee

  • The following careers require a degree: Civil Designer (Civic Planner), Culinary(Chef), Doctor, Education(Both), Engineer(Mechanical), Law(Both), Scientist, Veterinarian)

Special Rolls

  • Trauma Traits: Great Depression - Roll D10 - 1) Gloomy, 2) Hot-Headed,3) Meloncholic 4) Lazy 5) Non-Commital 6) Mean 7) Impassive 8) Joyless 9) Unstable 10) Repressed

  • WWII - Roll D10 (will roll twice) - 1-2) Fall in combat, 3-4) Wounded. May no longer farm, craft or work in the Military, Criminal or Doctor careers 5-10) Survives with no injury. If in military before going to war 1) Death, 2-3) Wounded, 4-6) Survives with no injury

  • Trauma Traits: WWII - Roll D20 - 1) Gloomy, 2) Hot-headed, 3) Clumsy, 4) Erratic, 5) Meloncholic, 6) Mean(or Evil), 7) Lazy, 8) Non-Committal, 9) Squeamish, 10) Paranoid, 11) Cold-Blooded, 12) Impassive, 13) Insane, 14) Joyless, 15) Unstable, 16) Avoidant, 17) Cruel, 18) Hostile, 19) Obsessive, 20) Repressed

  • Women in war - Roll D20 - 1 = Volunteer as nurse. No chance of dying but will recieve a Trauma Trait at end of war

  • Pregnancy - Roll 2D6: Snake eyes = Baby dies

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