The World Wars. A living horror for all who lived through it and everyone just fighting to survive the best they knew how. Even hitchhikers and hobos had their own ways of survival. A time when women learned what they were capable of and men discovered they weren't as capable as they thought.
Generation Challenges
First Decade - The Great Depression
Second Decade - World War II
Marriage and Family
Anyone becoming a Young Adult during the Great Depression must take a Trauma Trait
Only one hot meal allowed a day. All other meals must be found from scavenging, fishing and gardening
May now have a small pet (hamster or rat only) if you have at least $300,000
Second Decade - All YA and older will be drafted for WWII may Try for Baby before leaving and elope
Second Decade - May have relationships with other ethnicities/religions but cannot marry. May have a secret family with a prohibited SO
Second Decade - May now take medicine when sick and pets can be taken to the vet (spaying and neutering is an option). Babies can now be born at home or in hospital
Women are always allowed to inherit the bloodline from now on.
No parties or events. All marriages must be eloped.
Males who are the sole caretaker of their children or who already have mental illnes (via traits) cannot be drafted.
Males may return on leave at the halfway point of the war and must roll for survival again. They will only be spared from returning if they have been injured.
70% chance of marriage (versus just woohoo) and 20% of having an affair.
Adoption is now an option but only with opposite sex couples
Architecture and Design
Can purchase a camera and tripod
Second Decade - Every house must have a Victory Garden or at least 4 plants
Second Decade - Every house must have a radio and listen to it for at least an hour a day
Second Decade - Other items allowed include: Coffee Makers (not espresso machines or one-cup brewers), Fitness equipment (Military and Athletic Careers only), Soundtrack Juke Box, Thermostats, Winter Holiday Music, Large Commercial Greenhouses, Washers and Dryers, Photo Studio (no electronic backdrop)
Second Decade - Houses may now be decorated for holidays
Some clubs may have pools but women still need to use a full swimsuit. No household swimming pools
No housing upgrades allowed at all (even if there is enough money)
Science Lair lot trait is now allowed
Education and Hobbies
High School no longer has a fee
Kegs are allowed at university
Teens who do not go to school MUST scavenge, fish and garden during the week of unemployment
Prohibition ends in 1933 and drinking becomes available again
Cannot create medium or large paintings only small
Second Decade - Teens are no longer sent away for bad grades
Second Decade - Can only attend University after WWII and veterans can recieve half their tuition for free
Children must go to school. Female teens are encouraged to go to school and work part time (second decade only) to help out.
Career and Money-Making
First Decade- Everyone must lose job for at least one sim week. If you own a store it must close for at least a week. After a week you may reopen your store or return to work or join a new career.
Maximum career level of all jobs is 6. If level 6 is achieved they must quit and get a new job
Business career is NOT available anymore
Silent film era has ended. Acting career is now available
Part-Time work - Men can be Fishermen, Lifeguard, or Manual Laborer. Women can be Babysitter, Lifeguard, Manual Laborer or Retail Employee. Teens/Elders cannot have Part-Time Work
Bills can only be paid once electricity and water (if unemployed) has been cut off
WWI Veterans recieve a pension of $100/week
Stock Market crashes and money is reduced by 40% at start of decade
Second Decade - Males must join Military(Officer) if they survive WWII
Second Decade - Permitted Careers include: Actor, Athlete(Bodybuilder), Civil Designer(Civic Planner), Criminal(Boss), Critic(Both), Culinary(Both), Detective, Doctor, Education(Both), Freelancer(Fashion Photographer or Writer), Gardener(Both), Interior Decorator, Law(Both), Military(Both), Painter(Both), Politics(Politician), Scientist, Secret Agent(Both), Veterinarian, Writing(Both)
YA Veterans can only work Military career (unless wounded) or be unemployed for rest of decade. They may farm, fish, paint, woodwork or scavenge.
YA's who are NOT veterans MUST have a career
First Decade - Women may work if they are single, divorced, widowed or if their husband doesn't bring in enough money
Second Decade - Female's MUST have a career and can only choose to leave it after the war and if married
Permitted Careers for women include: Actor, Athelete(Bodybuilder), Civil Deigner(Civic Planner), Criminal(Boss), Culinary(Both), Engineer(Mechanical), Entertainer(Both), Military(Officer), Painter(Both), Secret Agent(Both), Writing(Both)
Second Decade - Teens are allowed and encouraged to have Part-Time Work. Jobs available include: Babysitter, Fast Food Employee, Fisherman (male only), Lifeguard, Manual Laborer, Retail Employee
The following careers require a degree: Civil Designer (Civic Planner), Culinary(Chef), Doctor, Education(Both), Engineer(Mechanical), Law(Both), Scientist, Veterinarian)
Special Rolls
Trauma Traits: Great Depression - Roll D10 - 1) Gloomy, 2) Hot-Headed,3) Meloncholic 4) Lazy 5) Non-Commital 6) Mean 7) Impassive 8) Joyless 9) Unstable 10) Repressed
WWII - Roll D10 (will roll twice) - 1-2) Fall in combat, 3-4) Wounded. May no longer farm, craft or work in the Military, Criminal or Doctor careers 5-10) Survives with no injury. If in military before going to war 1) Death, 2-3) Wounded, 4-6) Survives with no injury
Trauma Traits: WWII - Roll D20 - 1) Gloomy, 2) Hot-headed, 3) Clumsy, 4) Erratic, 5) Meloncholic, 6) Mean(or Evil), 7) Lazy, 8) Non-Committal, 9) Squeamish, 10) Paranoid, 11) Cold-Blooded, 12) Impassive, 13) Insane, 14) Joyless, 15) Unstable, 16) Avoidant, 17) Cruel, 18) Hostile, 19) Obsessive, 20) Repressed
Women in war - Roll D20 - 1 = Volunteer as nurse. No chance of dying but will recieve a Trauma Trait at end of war
Pregnancy - Roll 2D6: Snake eyes = Baby dies